Picking The Perfect Theme

When it came to choosing the theme for my website, I wanted something that would give off a slick, suave and successful vibe. It has to fit well not only as a website to browse on your computer, but it has to be tablet & mobile compatible. Lella (2016) found that between December 2013 and December 2015 smartphone internet consumption grew by 78% and tablets by 30%. The actual site is also important in displaying product info as well as prices and availability Deloitte (2014) shows "22 percent of consumers spend more as a result of using digital; just over half of these shoppers report spending at least 25 percent more than they had intended." This means that your site not only creates more sales but it also increases the amount the consumer may spend. Thus showing that you need to cater to more than one audience when creating your site. The theme that I have went for is
Clean Commerce, I chose this one because it not only fit the style I was going for with my website but it also has a professional and "Clean" feel to it. However it was not my first choice! I went through about 10 different themes to find which one I felt was best suited to my needs. Even from looking at the list of Themes that I had previously chosen, Clean Commerce stood out to me as the one that I would be able to get the most out of in terms of style and functionality. The two that I was originally looking at were Tyche and Checathlon but after adding some details and items to these themes, it became apparent that it was not going to work as shown below compare to my site at the time of this post. What I liked about the other two was when first presented was that they looked very professional and well designed, but after looking at them further I found that they were not what I was looking for in my site personally which was a lot more of a white focused design and less of a block of colour layout (Tyche) and less of a grey and compacted (Checathlon).


2016 U.S. Cross-Platform Future in Focus (2017). [Online] Available from: https://www.comscore.com/Insights/Presentations-and-Whitepapers/2016/2016-US-Cross-Platform-Future-in-Focus [Accessed 21 October 2017].


 Prnewswire.com. (2017). Deloitte Study: Digital Influences More than $1 Trillion in Retail Store Sales. [online] Available at: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/deloitte-study-digital-influences-more-than-1-trillion-in-retail-store-sales-256967501.html [Accessed 27 Oct. 2017].
