Terms & Conditions
Nearly every site online has a Terms and Conditions somewhere, they are a necessity in protecting the company as well as protecting the customer. Without Ts & Cs you are putting yourself at risk of being sued or taken to court. Terms and conditions are a necessity to our growth and ever expanding business as they keep us legally binding. System32 have included their Ts&Cs in a separate page as well as inside their checkout system, meaning that if a customer was to try check out they have to acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions we have set out.
An advantage of having our T&Cs is that we can control who can post and comment on our website limiting the potential of abusive or trolling accounts on our pages. (5 reasons why you need Terms and Conditions) says "The Termination clause is aimed at websites that have a registration section (e.g. user must register before using and/or accessing certain sections of the website), as you can disable or ban the abusive users based on the activity of their accounts."
An advantage of having our T&Cs is that we can control who can post and comment on our website limiting the potential of abusive or trolling accounts on our pages. (5 reasons why you need Terms and Conditions) says "The Termination clause is aimed at websites that have a registration section (e.g. user must register before using and/or accessing certain sections of the website), as you can disable or ban the abusive users based on the activity of their accounts."
5 reasons why you need Terms and Conditions. [Online] Available from: https://termsfeed.com/blog/5-reasons-need-terms-conditions/ [Accessed 12 January 2018].
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