Creating A Presence On Social Media Part 3: Youtube

Another form of contacting potential customers is through YouTube. If you are part of the rising of a viral video then you can end up famous overnight, there are many examples recently where a video has picked up traction and the person in the video has became an overnight star. YouTube is a great way to communicate with people as it allows for you to have a more informal and relaxed place to communicate via comments as well as your videos depending on the tone and strategy you are using when making the video. YouTube allows for you to post content that can be used to advertise as well as present what the company is capable of, even going as far as giving an insight to the business world. Following on from the previous two posts, I will be looking at the use of YouTube by ASUS as well as OverClockersUk

from the two YouTube channels you can see that they follow a similar style to the rest of their social media pages. This is so that the company has brand recognition. Without Brand recognition it would be very difficult for anyone to grow as a company due to no one knowing who was who and what they are selling. Without the recognition from your social media pages they would more or less serve no purpose. 

Things I decided to include in the YouTube Channel that I have created are; Social Links to Facebook, Instagram and my website. This is so that a user can find our site through any of our other platforms and can even find our other platforms via our main site, about us on YouTube or our Facebook page. This is the short storyboard that I used when planning the video:
From this I was then able to put my short video in as well as having the products displayed in an orderly fashion without going over the top with it.


YouTube. (n.d.). ASUS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2018].
YouTube. (n.d.). Overclockers UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2018]. 
