Email marketing and Sales planning part 2: Scheduled Emailing
Now that I have created an account with MailChimp and implemented it into our opt in emailing system. It is now time to create a schedule of emails to be sent to customers and create individual campaigns depending on the time of year and the seasons. (Gilliand, 2017) States that "Seasonal product marketing generates 10& rise in email open rates" this means that during different periods of the year it is easier to sell certain products or create different style of sales that will draw the attention of the viewer (Taylor, n.d.) Shows us that the impact of seasonal marketing emails can increase your sales and unique visits by up to 10%.
For my campaigns I decided that the best course of action was to plan multiple email marketing campaigns scheduled for throughout the year. I decided that I would have one for summer, winter as well as one for Spring. This would mean that I was able to create and upate customers on new deals and sales that System32 would be having.
Gilliand, N. (2017). 10 of the best digital marketing stats we’ve seen this week. [online] Econsultancy. Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2018].
Taylor, H. (n.d.). [image] Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2018].
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